Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks

Each year, there are a few cards I wait for, no matter what the rookie class looks like. I know these cards are always going to be the best designed, best looking, and sometimes the most valuable, which only furthers my quest for them. Although there has been A LOT of disappointment this year, these particular cards should still set the standard for all of 2009.

SP Authentic Rookie Auto Patch

Since 2001, the SPA Patches have been one of the cards that every player collector has to get for their particular target. They have never disappointed, never been stickers, and have never looked like chump change next to a competitors. They are a staple of each person who loves autographed cards, and I know that they always are near or at the top of my list for best cards of the year. There has been rumors that Topps is developing a product to directly compete with SPA, but its tough to live up to a product that delivers the cards it does for 100 bucks a box. Last year’s patches were inserted at around 8 per case, but the value of the cards were still the highest of any mid range product.

Topps Chrome Base and Auto

When it comes to Topps products and football, chrome is king. The autographs that fall one per box are not the only reason we buy as much chrome as we do, but they are a key factor. The autographs are mostly the base design with an autograph, something I always consider to be an under used and underrated idea. Considering that Topps’ base design is always the top focus for the designers, I would guess, it is usually the best looking autograph card as well. Of every person I collect, there are two cards I have for each of them. First is the base Topps Chrome rookie, second is the Topps Chrome autograph rookie, if there is one.

Exquisite Rookie Auto Patch

I think of Exquisite as the Ferrari of the sports card hobby, and the auto patches are like the 550 Maranellos. Although I know that it will be more than a 100 dollar investment for any of the top guys from each class, its worth every penny. The design is always amazing, the signatures are on card, and the Patches are usually ridiculous and super-sized. Even some of the top players who have been busts still have value in their Exquisite cards, just because of the cost of the product, though Im sure that having the best looking card of the year doesn’t hurt.

National Treasures Rookie Auto Patch

Any time DLP has an on-card auto offering, consider it a holiday. Normally with National Treasures, they can make up for most of their stickers for the rest of the year with a great on card auto patch. I loved the design last year, and the year before was also great, leaving this year as the big question mark. I have high hopes for these cards, as I think they are the only way to keep collectors on the side of the new management. If you fuck up Natty Treasures, you can easily kiss a lot of your customer base goodbye. Regardless, having super-sized patches with a great design and and awesome looking on card signatures should be enough to convince even me.

Ultimate Collection Rookie Auto

Even when Ultimate Collection was the worst set of the year in 2007, the rookie autos were still great. This continued last year, as I thought they looked good again. I was disappointed when they added in material, but I have been told that it was a one year thing. Either way, the cards still were some of the best of the year, again featuring on card autos and top knotch design work, keeping the streak alive. I thought 2006 was a banner year for the Ultimate autos, and I think that UD has been trying to capture that again each year. Im beginning to think that this may be the last year for Ultimate as the product doesn’t really fit as well as it used to. Maybe with some new blood ideas in the water for this year’s set and things could be back on top for the set.

Topps Rookie Premiere Auto

Each year, Topps goes through a whirlwind in a matter of hours to complete these cards for signing. They go from photo to printing to signing in less than a weekend, and its always a surprise to me that they turn out as well as they did. Featuring on card signatures on a modified version of the base design, it has been the only thing making the jumbo boxes worth buying over the last few years. This year was no exception, and it has clearly been no surprise how such an early release can hold its value like it does. Sadly, bastard fake creators have stolen the glory of these cards, making us question everytime we see one posted, but the latest ones are still fake free for the moment. Buy them while you can, I guess.

That’s about all for right now, but with many new products being released this year, including some new takes on old favorites, it could be a new list come this time next year. Im really looking forward to the SPX shadow box cards as they look like they could be some interesting pieces worth displaying. Also, with SP Signature edition coming back, who knows what kind of autographs will come out of that set. Im just hoping that my tried and tested faves make my wait worthwhile, and from what I have seen already, the latter part of this year is looking GOOD.