Sports Cards Uncensored Is Now Your Place For UD Info!

Guys, thanks to some wonderful marketing ideas and a few boxes of SPA and Exquisite, I am now going to be writing this blog for Upper Deck. SCU has become SCUD, and I couldnt be happier. I know that there has been rumblings around the CBN that this was on the verge of taking place, so here is the official announcement.

Over the last few months, many of you have commented on my endless pandering to Upper Deck’s football division, and it was for the sole reason of making this happen. They wanted to be the first manufacturer with a blog run by collectors, and based on my stance on their products, I was the first choice for football. They are still in the works to obtain the rights to a certain Baseball blog.

From now on, you can expect frequent product “reviews,” exclusive product “previews” and of course, lots and lots of promotional contests. To celebrate, I have decided to hold the first contest of many, and all you have to do is comment below that you want in. Up for grabs will be this hand packed extra pack from Exquisite that will contain an auto numbered to less than 50. It came directly from the manufacturer’s stash, so Im guessing its pretty good.

You can imagine that this will mean sweeping changes around here, and I feel its for the better. If I have to put in hours upon hours of painstaking work, I think I should get something out of it. This way I get a few thousand in cards, and a great company to work with. Gregg sent his personal thanks earlier today, and I think this could be the start of something wonderful.

I appreciate your continued support, though I wont be able to give you your normal scheduled daily rants. I have made my peace with Beckett, and they even offered me a years subscription to the OPG, which I will have to learn how to use. If you have any experience with it, please let me know.
