This Just Made My Day!

I just found out that someone has actually taken the time to start a blog as a rebuttal to SCU. That is too awesome for words. Im truly flattered, and very curious as to why someone has that much time on their hands.

I guess one has done something right when they have pissed off a guy so much, they start something completely devoid of any other purpose than to criticize every word you say. I love it!
I mean, I would completely understand if this person started a blog to post stuff contrary to the opinions I state, but to piggyback on my stuff? He must be really desperate for a gimmick to get visitors. Eh, ill stop feeding the Troll, I’m sure they have enough ammo already with 998 posts and counting.
One thing though. Since this person breaks everything down paragraph by paragraph, I guess I now need to put apostrophes in everything if I want to avoid those arrogant (sic)s they use for some reason. I didnt (sic) know that missing contraction marks were such a big deal to the grammar police. They must be a captain or something.
Well, if you hate me and this site, this new blog is your Graceland. Have a good time. Tell ’em I sent you.