My Apologies To Cardboard Corner

Wow, guys, it has literally been the craziest week ever. That is no excuse for missing my appointment at cardboard corner, but other stuff in my life was hitting the fan. Im not sure if many of you know, but last Friday, my wife was laid off from her job. It was a piece of shit, especially for all the bills we are now left without money to pay. On Sunday, the whole day, we spent organizing our finances and trying to get everything in order for the upcoming shit storm. Trust me, its coming. Luckily we have a lot of support from family and friends, so I know we wont be out on the street.

Either way, on Sunday, I had a standing engagement to help out the Cardboard Corner, and I blew it. Amongst the chaos of the weekend, it slipped my mind. I even had reminders all over the house, but unfortunately, I was like a chicken running around with my head cut off (sadly, I did not land on “bailout”).

So, with that, I am so sorry to everyone over at Crackin Wax. If there is another time we can do this, let me know.