2009 UD Heroes Is Live

I was just looking over some of my saved searches and saw that UD Heroes has hit eBay. Personally, I love on card autos where the players have a lot of room to sign. I only wish this set had come later so we could get NFL Unis on these cards. I dig the design of the base cards a lot, and although Heroes proabably wont hold much long term value in the auto RCs, the set may be worth a try if you do those things.

I think this is also the first time they redid the heroes design completely. In 2007 Chirography (the horror!) it was the same as always, as it was in Heroes last year. This year, its completely different, and I like what they did. See, when you play with balance and oblong shapes, it can work if you know how to do things right. Donini has major problems with that.

Review will be up around or on the release day. Ill be heading to my usual haunts to watch some breaks.