Upper Deck Scrapes the Bottom of the Barrel With Signature Series

The general consensus is not a positive one for Upper Deck SP Signature Series, an oft-delayed product that has started to show up on eBay. The cards do not feature any type of player pictures or logos from the teams, and for the most part, it makes each card indistinguishable from the next.

Personally, I have absolutely no idea why anyone would pre-order a product without any solicitation, let alone a product that is obviously subject to the massive issues that MLBP and UD have had over the last few years. I mean, its like ordering a deli sandwich in a place that serves Chinese food. You aren’t going to be impressed.

2012 Signature Series Rod Carew Auto /25

2012 Signature Series Carlos Pena Auto

2012 Signature Series Triple Autograph – Chicago

2012 Signature Series Triple Autograph With Eric Hosmer

The multi signature cards are probably the worst, as a lot of this product is just one last ditch effort to dump the rest of the stickers in the vault. Without bigger spots for the name plates or a picture, I need a magnifying glass to see who’s autograph it is. Since the players are lower tier, very few of them have recognizable signatures. That is a major problem.

In fact, there looks to be so little effort put into this product, that I don’t have any questions as to why it wasn’t solicited through normal sources, and why it is getting the reaction it is. Additionally, I don’t see how this is THAT different from all the cut signature products that are designed in the same fashion. No picture, just the signature. It’s a farce.

Worse than that, with only stickers and not any hard signed examples, there is about as little connection to the players in these cards as possible. Its just a complete disaster, and though I don’t feel bad for anyone that pre-ordered this sticker dump, I do understand why they would be pissed. To me, its obvious to avoid a product like this, but not everyone has the writing on the wall that we do. No solicitation, and past lawsuits preventing any type of player identification, aren’t available to everyone, but that doesn’t excuse the miss.

Upper Deck needs to figure that out pretty quickly.

3 thoughts on “Upper Deck Scrapes the Bottom of the Barrel With Signature Series

  1. OMG! That is total garbage! I was interested in this product when I came across it on DA Cardworld’s website. There was no preview of the cards, just a picture of the box – 3 packs for $255!!!! I wondered what the cards would look like since UD has no MLB contract (Playoff Contenders-esque, possibly?). Well, not only are there no pictures of the actual players on the cards, they are sticker autos as well. PUKE!!!!

  2. The Chicago trio is really three Orioles? This stuff is so ugly. At least if it was on-card, it would have a point (maybe).

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